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{8} Active Tickets, Mine first (10 matches)

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Active Tickets (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#1 Handle backslashes as in Markdown component1 1.0 milestone1 defect Gary King new 05/09/06
#3 Inline HTML seems to be getting extra paragraph markers component1 milestone1 defect somebody new 05/09/06
#9 Tabs are not correctly handled in all cases component1 milestone1 defect somebody new 05/09/06
#11 Handle e-mail as per markdown component1 milestone1 defect somebody new 05/09/06
#17 multiple chunks of code, etc. are not being recognized properly; component1 1.0 milestone1 defect Gary King new 05/31/06
#12 Add support for end notes component1 milestone2 enhancement somebody new 05/09/06
#14 Add support for running lisp code to produce output component1 1.0 milestone2 enhancement Gary King new 05/09/06
#4 Don't create link for empty inline URLs component1 milestone1 defect somebody new 05/09/06
#6 Handle quotes in link titles component1 milestone1 defect Gary King new 05/09/06
#13 Add support for id and class attributes component1 milestone2 enhancement Gary King new 05/09/06
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