1) subject-nodes Is mapped to a topic with a PSI and a Topic ID equal to the subject-uri 2) blank nodes are mapped to a topic without a PSI, a uuid will be generated as a Topic ID 3) relationships between subject-nodes and literals Are mapped to occurrences of the type with the datatype of the corresponding RDF datatype. When there is no one given, the datatype is set to xml:string. 4) relationships between subject-nodes and object-nodes Are mapped to assocations of the type with the roles *of the type http://isidorus/rdf2tm_mapping/subject with the player *of the type http://isidorus/rdf2tm_mapping/object with the player 5) rdf:_n properties Are mapped to an assocation of the type http://isidorus/rdf2tm_mapping/listing with the roles *of the type http://isidorus/rdf2tm_mapping/subject with the player *roles of the type http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_n with the player <_n:object-node> If the <_n:object-node> is a literal node, there has to be produced a topic (T) with the Topic ID and no PSI corresponding. The topic (T) contains an occurrence with the value of the property-element and the type http://isidorus/rdf2tm_mapping/literal_occurrence (datatype corresponding to the datatype in RDF). Topic T is an instance of http://isidorus/rdf2tm_mapping/literal_topic. 6) rdf:li All rdf:li elements are transformed to rdf:_n elements starting by rdf_1 and incremented by everey iteration. If the content of a node is mixed (the node contains rdf:li and rdf:_n elements) there is no specail processing for the transformation of rdf:li to rdf:_n. so it is possible that there will be exist two or more items with the name rdf:_1. 7) rdf:parseType="Collection" This nodes are mapped to topics corresponding to the given resouce-nodes and an association of the type with the roles: *of the type http://isidorus/rdf2tm_mapping/subject with the player *roles of the type http://isidorus/rdf2tm_mapping/collectionItem with the player 8) rdf:type Is mapped to an instanceOf association 9) rdfs:subClassOf Is mapped to a supertype-subtype association 10) rdf:ID/reification *rdf:ID on subject-nodes: the corresponding subject-nodes are "merged" and the arc of the reifying node (B) is pointed to the object-node (C) directly from the original node (A) *rdf:ID on properties: Generates all topics from the node-IDs, arc-names or creates uuids. Additionally there is created an association of the type http://isidorus/rdf2tm_mapping/reification with the roles: * of the type rdf:subject and the player * of the type http://isidorus/rdf2tm_mapping/reifier with theplayer if there is no reifier node theri will be generated a topic with the Topic ID * of the type rdf:predicate and the player