{5} Accepted, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description) (4 matches)

List tickets accepted, group by ticket owner. This report demonstrates the use of full-row display.

lgiessmann (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Created
#82 install script default-component miscellaneous 2011 task 10/22/10

Create an instaqll-script, mainly a shell-script that downloads all lisp-packages (with wget) to a user-specified folder, unpacks them and sets an asdf-link also into a user-specified folder;

installation of the berkeley db, slime, sbcl, ... must be done by the user itself

#105 Re-Implementing the web-server-api, i.e. make all hoonchentoot handlers configurable via XML default-component miscellaneous 2011 task 04/08/11

Re-Implementing the web-server-api, i.e. make all hoonchentoot handlers configurable via XML

#119 debugging: elephant default-component miscellaneous 2011 task 12/14/11

debug the elephant persistency-framework:

#7 edit trac default-wiki page default-component miscellaneous 2011 task 03/18/09

edit the trac-default-wiki-page, add some isidorus related stuff to this site!

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