

14:37 Ticket #3 (implement a prototypeJS + scriptaculous prototype) closed by lgiessmann
fixed: all points implemented succesfully and without problems; this …
14:32 Changeset [18] by lgiessmann
finished a prototype of the ajax-interface with the frameworks …
10:43 Ticket #7 (edit trac default-wiki page) created by lgiessmann
edit the trac-default-wiki-page, add some isidorus related stuff to …
10:34 Ticket #6 (implement gwt prototype) created by lgiessmann
implement an ajax-prototype with google web toolkit * get all psis * …
10:33 Ticket #5 (implement a dojo prototype) created by lgiessmann
implement an ajax-prototype dojo * get all psis * get a fragment * …
10:32 Ticket #4 (implement a jquery prototype) created by lgiessmann
implement an ajax-prototype with jQuery * get all psis * get a …
10:31 Ticket #3 (implement a prototypeJS + scriptaculous prototype) created by lgiessmann
implement an ajax-prototype with prototype and scriptaculous. * get …
10:26 Ticket #2 (hunchentoot: static folder handler) created by lgiessmann
create a static-file-and-folder-handler in set-up-json-interface for …
10:04 Ticket #1 (threading + hunchentoot 1.0.0) created by lgiessmann
adapt the threading module ot hunchentoot 1.0.0


13:18 TracTicketsCustomFields created by trac
13:18 TracPermissions created by trac
13:18 TracGuide created by trac
13:18 WikiMacros created by trac
13:18 TracInstall created by trac
13:18 TracQuery created by trac
13:18 WikiFormatting created by trac
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13:17 WikiProcessors created by trac
10:49 Changeset [17] by lgiessmann
changed the hunchentoot version from 0.15.7 to 1.0.0 and all depending …


11:34 Changeset [16] by lgiessmann
added a possibilit to get all topic-psis via the rest interface as a …


18:20 Changeset [15] by lgiessmann
added all necessary file for the json-restful-interface and some small …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.