Symbolic Images
A symbolic image is a (host) lisp data-structure of type symbolic-image
that represents a Movitz lisp-world. It contains primarily
the kinds of objects declared in storage-types.lisp, i.e. movitz-symbols, movitz-conses and so on. A symbolic-image is typically created by
the movitz:create-image
function. A symbolic-image can be modified (e.g. by movitz:movitz-compile-file
), inspected, and last
but not least dumped. The function movitz:dump-image
dumps a symbolic image into a BootableFileImage.
The variable movitz:*image*
is intended to hold the "current" image you are working on. This variable is implicitly set by
, and is the default image argument for movitz:dump-image
. It is possible to switch back and forth between
symbolic-images by re-binding movitz:*image*