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Opened 13 years ago

#57 new defect

Heap overflow checking fails on sparc

Reported by: Raymond Toy Owned by: somebody
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Core Version: 2012-01
Keywords: Cc:


cmulisp -dynamic-space-size 32
* (defvar *1* (make-list 10000000))
*A2 gc_alloc_new_region failed, nbytes=8.
 CMUCL has run out of dynamic heap space (32 MB).
  You can control heap size with the -dynamic-space-size commandline option.
segv_handler: Real protection violation: 400, PC = 1bbcc
*A2 gc_alloc_new_region failed, nbytes=8.
 CMUCL has run out of dynamic heap space (32 MB).
  You can control heap size with the -dynamic-space-size commandline option.
Segmentation Fault (core dumped)

I'm pretty sure this used to work on sparc. The fault address of 0x1bbcc is in build_fake_control_stack_frame.

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