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Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#95 closed defect (fixed)

Test failures from PCL tests

Reported by: Raymond Toy Owned by: Raymond Toy
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: PCL Version: 2014-03
Keywords: Cc:


When running the PCL test suite, there are several failures:

Failed tests: (PCL-TESTS::DEFCLASS.0)
 | Failed Form: '(T)
 | Expected (NIL) but saw (T)
DEFCLASS.0: 0 assertions passed, 1 failed.

 | Execution error:
 | (during macroexpansion)
Invalid lambda variable: (PCL-TESTS::A PCL-TESTS::GF-CLASS)
DEFGENERIC-LAMBDA-LIST.2: 0 assertions passed, 0 failed, and an execution error.

 | Execution error:
 | (during macroexpansion)
Generic function G: Optional and key parameters of generic functions may not
have default values or supplied-p parameters: (PCL-TESTS::B 1).
DEFGENERIC-LAMBDA-LIST.1: 0 assertions passed, 0 failed, and an execution error.

 | Execution error:
 | (during macroexpansion)
Generic function G: Optional and key parameters of generic functions may not
have default values or supplied-p parameters: (PCL-TESTS::B 1).
DEFGENERIC-LAMBDA-LIST.0: 0 assertions passed, 0 failed, and an execution error.

These need to be examined and fixed.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by toy.raymond@…

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

commit 1fc53cc336bf03c52a438bb237d95080f00dd203 Author: Raymond Toy <toy.raymond@…> Date: Fri Nov 28 10:40:20 2014 -0800

Signal an error for an invalid :allocation value for a slot.

Fixes ticket:95, along with changeset:[2b39eb]

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