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Debugging Tools <- back | toc



is here.


28th of July, 2006
- changed info about loading applications through ucwctl (you need to add something to start.lisp nowadays)
- added info on how to load your app through start.lisp without ucwctl

25th of Juli 2006
- fixed typos thanks to Dmitry Petukhov
- replanted the intro to ucw trac so other (less lazy) people can also contribute

18th of may 2006:
- added yaclml chapter
- finished form fields/validation chapter
- reflect the fact that action dispatcher is now a behind the scenes method
- some more needless swapping characters around in code and text

9th of may 2006:
- added lisp syntax highlighting!
- added widget chapter
- started advanced forms chapter

4th of may 2006:
- added debugging tools chapter
- added info on slightly changed startup procedure
- added tabbed pane info in the templating chapter
- added ucw-boxset info
- fixed bugs concerning variable passing between pages in basics.lisp
- fixed little bug in the spliced-href slot

25th of april 2006:
- overhauled code examples and related text to make them easier to maintain/install/use
- changed text and code examples to reflect dispatch methods/changed defentry-point due to big backend code-changes
- changed text and code examples to reflect new container behaviour
- changed text to conform to changed configuration options - added <:ah + <:ai info
- removed legacy ucw-install
- fixed some minor bugs

21th of april 2006 - added tal explanation section
15th of april 2006 - fixed mod_lisp install errors
11th of april 2006 - updated install instructions and a lot of minor fixes
5th of april 2006 - first buggy version, landed on the net by accident


The rest


to mail, put these in the right order: at dot fallenfrukt stuij

Debugging Tools <- back | toc

Last modified 19 years ago Last modified on 07/28/06 07:30:32