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Closed Tickets (88 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#100 STREAM-FILE-POSITION fails when invoked with a Gray stream closed defect critical Gray-streams
#2 LED显示屏| 010-86508750(小灵通),13911588988销售部王经理|LED电子显示屏|北京LED电子显示屏|010-86508750(小灵通),13911588988销售部王经理,LED电子显示屏,全彩LED显示屏、双基色LED显示屏、室外LED显示屏、室内LED显示屏北京海潮LED显示屏公司是一家全国最具规模的LED制造商,本公司的LED系列产品:全彩LED显示屏、双基色LED显示屏、室外LED显示屏、室内LED显示屏、银行利率屏、银行汇率屏、利率汇率显示屏、舞台字幕屏(条型屏)、电子看板(生产看板)、数码管显示屏,电子时钟、倒计时系统、温度显示屏、湿度显示屏、温湿度显示屏、倒计时LED显示屏、篮球比赛LED显示屏、银行排队LED显示系统、世界时显示屏、酒店LED显示屏、宾馆LED显示屏 led显示屏010-86508750(小灵通),13911588988 (销售部王经理)北京海潮led电子显示屏网联系电话: 010-86508750(小灵通),13911588988 (销售部王经理) led led电子显示屏 电子显示屏 led显示屏 北京LED显示屏;河北LED显示屏(石家庄LED显示屏),山东LED显示屏(济南LED显示屏),山西LED显示屏(太原LED显示屏),内蒙古LED显示屏(呼和浩特LED显示屏,包头LED显示屏,赤峰LED显示屏,通辽LED显示屏),辽宁LED显示屏(沈阳LED显示屏,大连LED显示屏,锦州LED显示屏,营口LED显示屏),吉林LED显示屏(长春LED显示屏),黑龙江LED显示屏(哈尔滨LED显示屏),甘肃LED显示屏(兰州LED显示屏),宁夏LED显示屏(银川LED显示屏),新疆LED显示屏(乌鲁木齐LED显示屏),青海LED显示屏(西宁LED显示屏),西藏LED显示屏(拉萨LED显示屏) 山西LED显示屏|山西LED电子显示屏山西LED显示屏(太原LED显示屏,大同LED显示屏,阳泉LED显示屏,晋城LED显示屏,运城LED显示屏,长治LED显示屏,朔州LED显示屏,榆次LED显示屏,孝义LED显示屏,LED显示屏,廊坊LED显示屏) 河北LED显示屏|河北LED电子显示屏(石家庄LED显示屏,保定LED显示屏,邯郸LED显示屏,邢台LED显示屏,衡水LED显示屏,沧州LED显示屏,廊坊LED显示屏,承德LED显示屏,张家口LED显示屏,秦皇岛LED显示屏,唐山LED显示屏) 北京LED显示屏,北京LED大屏幕,山东LED显示屏,山东LED大屏幕(济南LED显示屏,济南LED大屏幕,青岛LED显示屏,青岛LED大屏幕,济宁LED显示屏,济宁LED大屏幕,淄博LED显示屏,淄博LED大屏幕,德州LED显示屏,德州LED大屏幕,烟台LED显示屏,烟台LED大屏幕,日照LED显示屏,日照LED大屏幕,淄博LED显示屏,淄博LED大屏幕,滨州LED显示屏,滨州LED大屏幕,临沂LED显示屏,临沂LED大屏幕,东营LED显示屏,东营LED大屏幕,莱芜LED显示屏,莱芜LED大屏幕,威海LED显示屏,威海LED大屏幕,枣庄LED显示屏,枣庄LED大屏幕,荷泽LED显示屏,荷泽LED大屏幕,曲阜LED显示屏,曲阜LED大屏幕,潍坊LED显示屏,潍坊LED大屏幕,泰安LED显示屏,泰安LED大屏幕,聊城LED显示屏,聊城LED大屏幕) LED显示屏;LED电子显示屏;LED大屏幕; LED电子大屏幕;全彩色LED显示屏;全彩LED显示屏;全彩色LED大屏幕;全彩LED大屏幕;双基色LED显示屏;单色LED显示屏;同步显示屏;异步显示屏;通讯屏;数码管LED显示屏;利率屏;汇率屏;电子站牌;排队叫号系统;大屏幕显示系统;LED显示屏大屏幕工程;电子大屏幕;北京LED显示屏;北京LED显示屏;河北LED显示屏(石家庄LED显示屏),山东LED显示屏(济南LED显示屏),山西LED显示屏(太原LED显示屏),内蒙古LED显示屏(呼和浩特LED显示屏,包头LED显示屏,赤峰LED显示屏,通辽LED显示屏),辽宁LED显示屏(沈阳LED显示屏,大连LED显示屏,锦州LED显示屏,营口LED显示屏),吉林LED显示屏(长春LED显示屏),黑龙江LED显示屏(哈尔滨LED显示屏),甘肃LED显示屏(兰州LED显示屏),宁夏LED显示屏(银川LED显示屏),新疆LED显示屏(乌鲁木齐LED显示屏),青海LED显示屏(西宁LED显示屏),西藏LED显示屏(拉萨LED显示屏)山西LED显示屏|山西LED电子显示屏山西LED显示屏(太原LED显示屏,大同LED显示屏,阳泉LED显示屏,晋城LED显示屏,运城LED显示屏,长治LED显示屏,朔州LED显示屏,榆次LED显示屏,孝义LED显示屏,LED显示屏,廊坊LED显示屏)河北LED显示屏|河北LED电子显示屏(石家庄LED显示屏,保定LED显示屏,邯郸LED显示屏,邢台LED显示屏,衡水LED显示屏,沧州LED显示屏,廊坊LED显示屏,承德LED显示屏,张家口LED显示屏,秦皇岛LED显示屏,唐山LED显示屏)北京LED显示屏,北京LED大屏幕,山东LED显示屏,山东LED大屏幕(济南LED显示屏,济南LED大屏幕,青岛LED显示屏,青岛LED大屏幕,济宁LED显示屏,济宁LED大屏幕,淄博LED显示屏,淄博LED大屏幕,德州LED显示屏,德州LED大屏幕,烟台LED显示屏,烟台LED大屏幕,日照LED显示屏,日照LED大屏幕,淄博LED显示屏,淄博LED大屏幕,滨州LED显示屏,滨州LED大屏幕,临沂LED显示屏,临沂LED大屏幕,东营LED显示屏,东营LED大屏幕,莱芜LED显示屏,莱芜LED大屏幕,威海LED显示屏,威海LED大屏幕,枣庄LED显示屏,枣庄LED大屏幕,荷泽LED显示屏,荷泽LED大屏幕,曲阜LED显示屏,曲阜LED大屏幕,潍坊LED显示屏,潍坊LED大屏幕,泰安LED显示屏,泰安LED大屏幕,聊城LED显示屏,聊城LED大屏幕) closed defect major Core
#3 without-package-locks doesn't work with defmacro closed defect major Core
#4 symbol-macrolet + ignorable causes internal compiler error. closed defect major Core
#6 GCed items in weak hash tables are still accessible (with random junk) closed defect major Core
#7 Bug in ext:read-vector closed defect major Core
#16 Read-time hash-table issue closed defect major Core
#17 LOOP NAMED NIL has no effect closed defect major Core
#19 Modular arith bug 2 closed defect major Core
#20 Modular arith bug? closed defect major Core
#25 Compiler bug closed defect major Core
#27 Trace bug on Darwin/x86 closed defect major Core
#29 make-condition doesn't accept class objects closed defect major Core
#35 test closed defect major Core
#39 non-standard lexical syntax closed defect major Core
#42 read-sequence vs unicode closed defect major Core
#43 unread-char doesn't change file-position closed defect major Unicode
#53 UTF-8 in core closed enhancement major Core
#54 Testing ticket mailing list closed defect major Core
#55 blocked signals closed defect major Core
#56 Heap overflow checking fails on darwin/x86 closed defect major Core
#58 UTF-16 buffering problem closed defect major Unicode
#60 compile-file and export problem closed defect major Core
#61 Darwin+clang doesn't produce a working lisp closed defect major Core
#62 mk:defsystem no longer loads correctly closed defect major Core
#63 VM::READ-CYCLE-COUNTER destroys live values in ebx and ecx registers closed defect major Core
#65 Different results for EXPT between compiled and interpreted code closed defect major Core
#67 deftransform for replace is unsafe closed defect major Core
#68 bit-bash-copy can't handle very large objects closed defect major Core
#69 Error parsing ext-formats:unidata.bin closed defect major Core
#70 Source location error with a logical pathname default closed defect major Core
#71 NOT-MORE-CONTAGIOUS broken for double-double-floats closed defect major Core
#72 SIGFPE with no exceptions currently enabled? closed defect major Core
#73 Signal errors when modifying the standard readtable or standard pprint dispatch table closed defect major Core
#74 utf-8 bug in compile-file closed defect major Unicode
#75 cl-unicode regression in 2013-03 closed defect major Core
#76 REPLACE on strings incorrect closed defect major Core
#77 Add JOIN-PROCESS closed enhancement major Core
#79 File-position at start of file is wrong closed defect major Core
#80 (format t "~ve" 21 5d-324) generates an error closed defect major Core
#81 Reversing a string is slow closed defect major Core
#82 Source location error on large files closed defect major Core
#83 (reverse "") signals an error closed defect major Core
#90 (atanh -2)? closed defect major Core
#92 Type-derivation for log is inconsistent closed defect major Core
#93 4d-324 signals a reader error but shouldn't? closed defect major Core
#95 Test failures from PCL tests closed defect major PCL
#98 Annoying warning for ETYPECASE closed defect major Core
#99 Error when CMUCL tries to print style warning closed defect major Core
#102 Gray steam non-conformance: not invoking STREAM-CLEAR-OUTPUT and STREAM-ADVANCE-TO-COLUMN closed defect major Core
#103 Gray steam non-conformance: not invoking STREAM-CLEAR-OUTPUT and STREAM-ADVANCE-TO-COLUMN closed defect major Gray-streams
#105 error-handling bug closed defect major Core
#106 (exp 1d0) is rounded incorrectly closed defect major Core
#110 (log 100w0 10) and (log 100w0 10w0) return different values closed defect major Core
#111 test integration of trac and email closed defect major Core
#1 prin1 and ~E produce different outputs. closed defect minor Core
#5 Hash table entry with key and value of :EMPTY is treated as an empty entry. closed defect minor Core
#8 2-arg log function can't compute some logs closed defect minor Core
#9 parse-time mishandles invalid number of days in a month closed defect minor Core
#10 round is sometimes wrong for numbers bigger than most-positive-fixnum closed defect minor Core
#11 (eql 0w0 0w0) is NIL, but should be T. closed defect minor Core
#12 (format t "~10,1,2,0,'*,,'DE" 1d-6) -> 1.0d-6 closed defect minor Core
#13 (format nil "~11,3,2,0,'*,,'EE" .9999) -> " 1.000E+00" closed defect minor Core
#15 x86 double-float issue closed defect minor Core
#18 Modular arith bug 1 closed defect minor Core
#21 Modular arith bug 3 closed defect minor Core
#24 Float contagion for expt closed defect minor Core
#26 slot-value type check closed defect minor PCL
#28 Need to stop command switch processing at -- closed enhancement minor Core
#31 pathname bug with :case :common closed defect minor Core
#33 get-dispatch-macro-character doesn't signal errors in compiled code closed defect minor Core
#34 get-dispatch-macro-character doesn't signal errors in compiled code closed defect minor Core
#36 file-position broken for utf16 and utf32 closed defect minor Core
#47 Adjustable sizes for the other Lisp spaces. closed enhancement minor Core
#48 RCS keywords in git closed defect minor Core
#50 Print/read error with make-pathname closed defect minor Core
#66 replace on simple-strings closed defect minor Core
#84 motifd is a 64-bit app closed defect minor CLM
#87 run-program and binary streams closed enhancement minor Core
#94 double-double-float limits missing closed defect minor Core
#101 Gray steam non-conformance: not invoking STREAM-CLEAR-OUTPUT and STREAM-ADVANCE-TO-COLUMN closed defect minor Gray-streams
#104 Source location for define-condition closed enhancement minor Core
#112 PIE warning when saving a lisp executable closed defect minor Core
#14 cmucl.css closed defect trivial Core
#22 sun4_solaris_sunc config uses gcc to build motif closed defect trivial Core
#46 Cleanup BUILDING closed defect trivial Core
#49 RCS keywords need to be updated closed defect trivial Core
#51 Remove unused alloc_8/16_to_foo routines closed defect trivial Core
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.